CSR Activities | Indore Composite

CSR Activities

Fight Against Corona

ICPL’s Response to COVID - 19

Our small effort towards the Citizen of Ambernath in alliance with Ambernath Municipal Council , by providing a Mobile Fever Clinic (Doctor at your Doorstep) to Treat people during this Covid-19 Pandemic situation, where one has no ease to see the Doctor for any health issue. The Team have so far checked 4500+ patients, treated 2500+ Patients and 112 patients directed to Govt. Hospitals for serious symptoms.
"Children are the world’s most valuable resource and its best hope for the future."
At Indore we believe in investing in the future and there can be no greater investment than an investment in the children of our nation. Today in spite of our economic progress as a country, 50% of our children are underweight and 1 in 3 of the world’s malnourished children are from India.
Malnutrition, mortality, reduced productivity and the consequent poverty are all part of one vicious cycle. Malnutrition is responsible for 50% of child deaths in India and for the few malnourished children who do manage to survive the clutches of death; it adversely affects their life right into adulthood.
It starts with slow learning and reduced learning outcomes at school, which then results in fewer job opportunities and overall reduction in productivity, damning them to a life of poverty only for their children to take the same path all over again.
Having identified this vicious circle, we at Indore have joined hands with The Decimal Foundation for a program called by ‘The Breakfast Revolution’, to break it by supplementing 250 children’s daily diet with fortified nutritious biscuits and regular health assessments at 2 locations, namely:

1. Government Primary School Banjari, Pithampur, M.P
2. Government Adivasi School, Ambernath, M.H

Other Community Service Activities:

  1. "Swatch Bharat" - Annual Clean up drive in areas surrounding our 3 facilities
  2. Company sponsored Scholarships for meritous students among employees' children
  3. Free drinking water distribution camps during the summer season