Quality Management | Indore Composite

Quality Management

At Indore, Quality is the common language spoken across all tiers of the management and every person working on the production floor. It is this quality focused culture that has helped us achieve a customer satisfaction rating of 99.4%, year on year and continously improving. Every individual goes through a rigorous quality control training at induction and on the job.
Testing Facilities
  • Universal Testing Machines – Tensile , Flexural , Elongation , Compression
  • Precise Temp. Control Ovens – Heat Stress , Curing, aging
  • Muffle Furnace – Measure composition of product
  • Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) – Glass Transition Temp, Curing
We follow total quality management (TQM) systems ardently and have a zero tolerance towards defects or any deviation from internal quality norms.All of Indores plants are ISO 9000 Certified and our products are tested and approved by clients who set a very high benchmark for quality parameters for inward material.

Testing Facilities
  • Environment Chamber – Long term aging properties
  • Precision Weighing Scale
  • Viscometer – Flow behavior of resins
  • High magnification microscope.